4p Porn Videos

Sally D'Angelo Toplines, Directs 'Grandma Sally's Sex Adventures'

GILF star Sally D’Angelo toplines “Grandma Sally’s Sex Adventures,” the inaugural release from Sally D’Angelo Productions....

Zelda Morrison Reveals All in 'Taboo Diaries 17' for Desperate Pleasures

Zelda Morrison enjoys the cover spotlight of fauxcest-themed “Taboo Diaries 17” from Desperate Pleasures....

Amber Lynn Joins 'Friday Idol' at Sapphire 60 in New York

Amber Lynn wings to the Big Apple this week to headline the “Friday Idol” series at New York’s Sapphire 60 gentlemen’s club....

Dale DaBone Seeks Help for Medical Expenses After 'Freak Accident'

Friends of veteran industry performer Dale DaBone have announced a GoFundMe page to help with medical expenses after DaBone broke his neck in what they call “a freak accident.”...

Pineapple Support Secures U.S. Nonprofit Status

Pineapple Support has announced that it has secured 501(c) 3 nonprofit status in the U.S., nearly a year to the day from the organization’s founding....

Liberator Adds Jeff Montgomery to International Marketing Team

Liberator Bedroom Adventure Gear has hired Jeff Montgomery as its international marketing manager....

Verronica Kirei Explores 'Girls Kissing Girls' for Sweetheart Video

Verronica Kirei enjoys a featured role in “Girls Kissing Girls 23” from Sweetheart Video, now in DVD/VOD and digital release....

Neuroscientist Debunks 'Porn Causes Erectile Dysfunction' Myth

Neuroscientist and clinician Nicole Prause completely debunks the myth that watching porn causes erectile dysfunction, in an article for The Daily Beast today....

Carnal Media Launches 4th All-Male Taboo Fetish Site

Carnal Media has launched their fourth new all-male, fetish-centric membership site....

OrbitalPay, TLAGay Join Str8UpGayPorn Awards as Platinum Sponsors

OrbitalPay and TLAGay have thrown their support behind the 3rd annual Str8UpGayPorn Awards at the Platinum Sponsor level....

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