Donovan Porn Videos

Lauren Phillips Makes Feature Headliner Debut This Week in Oklahoma City

Lauren Phillips wings to Oklahoma City this weekend for her first appearance as a feature headliner....

Aziani, Joy Media Group Street 2 New Titles

Aziani and distributor Joy Media Group have announced the release of two new titles with content from and

7 Veils: Twitter's New 'Interests' Hashtag-to-Feed Feature a Potential Boon to Adult

Twitter has been the social network that could. It has had its time in the sun where it is the top of the social networks for adult content, and then it will lag behind some new shiny network, then it will come back around. Everyone is alw...

Pjur Announces Final Phase of #IfIHadLube Social Media Campaign

The final phase of pjur's #IfIHadLube social media campaign will kick off during the first week of January....

Linzee Ryder Announces OnlyFans Sale This Week

Newcomer MILF performer Linzee Ryder announced a sale on her OnlyFans, running through the week and ending on Friday....

Crystal Cooper Announces Hot Tubbing Cam Show

Crystal Cooper is announcing a hot tubbing cam show this Saturday at 5 p.m. PDT on Chaturbate....

Deep Dreamz Productions Streets 3 New Titles for

Deep Dreamz Productions has released three new titles under for its new site, ...

Scarlett Revell Studios Inks Distro Pact With Adult Source Media

Scarlett Revell Studios has inked a distro pact with Adult Source Media (ASM) beginning with its debut title “The Headmistress and… the Harlots.”...

Nutaku Offers 'Saber's Edge' Android Game has unveiled its newest role-playing action game for Android users, “Saber’s Edge.”...

ESPLER Project Commends 'SAFE SEX Workers' Study Act

The SESTA/FOSTA Examination of Secondary Effects for Sex Workers Study Act (aka the "SAFE SEX Workers Study Act") received praise today from the Erotic Service Providers Legal Education and Research Project (ESPLER)....

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