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Be Wicked! 'Thrilled' by 2020 XBIZ Awards Nom as Lingerie Company of the Year

Be Wicked! is "thrilled" by its 2020 XBIZ Awards nomination as Lingerie Company of the Year....

Charged Media All-Male Fetish Network Sets Steep Holiday Discount

The Charged Media network of all-male fetish sites is tub-thumping a holiday promotion with “an enormous 70 percent discount” for yearlong memberships with flagship site and affiliated properties....

Carnal Media Touts Fetish Site Pairing Tall Men With Short Men

Carnal Media has unveiled its latest niche all-male membership site, which pairs very short guys with very tall guys....

Williams Trading Launches Cloud 9 Novelties E-Learning Course

Williams Trading has rolled out a new e-learning course in support of Cloud 9 Novelties....

Lucie Love Launches Lingerie Hero, Seeks Spokesmodels

Sexpert and clip producer Lucie Love has launched her latest endeavor, Lingerie Hero, an online retail store with a wide selection of styles and sizes. ...

ASACP Names XBIZ, AVN Media Network as January's Featured Sponsors

ASACP, the Association of Sites Advocating Child Protection, has named XBIZ and the AVN Media Network as its Featured Sponsors for January 2020....

Bijoux Indiscrets Marks Orgasm Sound Library's 3rd Anniversary With Sex Study

In honor of the third anniversary of Bijoux Indiscret’s Orgasm Sound Library, the company has conducted a study of its 1,200 recorded real orgasms....

New York Toy Collective Signs On for Red Canary Song Fundraiser

New York Toy Collective (NYTC) has signed on to participate in Red Canary SCREAM, a fundraising event for Red Canary Song, providing raffle and giveaway items for the event. ...

Sex Educator Anne Hodder-Shipp to Host 'Compassionate Customer Service' Webinar

Adult industry veteran and sex educator Anne Hodder-Shipp will be hosting a live-training webinar on building more effective customer communication skills on Friday, August 30 at 11 a.m. (PDT)....

Jessica Drake to Host Immersive Nightclub Experience 'Her' in Toronto Tonight

Jessica Drake is in Toronto tonight for the opening of "immersive" adults-only nightclub Her....

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