Femdom Videos Porn Videos - Page 14

Jasmine Grey, Sharon Lee Offer Fans a Little 'Horny Asian Hospitality', the trending erotic Asian-centric site from Team Skeet parent Paper Street, has released a new fauxcest fantasy scene with adult stars Jasmine Grey and Sharon Lee....

SKYN Debuts Aqua Feel, All Night Long Personal Lubricants

LifeStyles Healthcare’s premium condom brand SKYN Condoms has launched SKYN Aqua Feel Personal Lubricant, a water-based lubricant to support the body's natural lubrication, and SKYN All Night Long Personal Lubricant, which is silicone-bas...

Lotus Lain to Guest on 'CannaPornia' Tonight

Performer and industry advocate Lotus Lain will appear tonight on the “CannaPornia” radio program....

Avi Love Stars in New Fallout Films Compilation

Avi Love stars in “Black Havoc,” Fallout Films’ latest compilation....

XCritic Newswire

Do you read the XCritic Newswire? It's an unending source of updates that contains the latest breaking news and announcements in the adult industry. It's a quick way to catch up on the things that interest you while avoiding th...

Amberly Rothfield Touts Investigation Into Twitter Shadowbanning

Amberly Rothfield has posted an investigation into Twitter hashtags and shadowbanning that examines how the practice directly impacts the adult industry. Her preliminary findings can be found on her membership site....

UK Alcohol Body Forces Supermarket Chain to Rename 'Porn Star Martini'

The U.K.’s alcohol industry self-regulatory body has ordered supermarket chain Marks & Spencer to rename Porn Star Martini, their passion fruit-flavored vodka mix....

ASACP Names CCBill, TheDatingNetwork, Gaelic WWW Conference as May's Featured Sponsors

The Association of Sites Advocating Child Protection (ASACP) has named CCBill, and Gaelic WWW Conference as its Featured Sponsors for May 2019....

Master the Character, Not Just the Costume for Cosplay

Cosplay can be cheap or expensive, but the most important part is to love the character you’re adopting and have fun....

Jessy Dubai Sets New York Nightclub Appearance Saturday Night

Jessy Dubai is set for a special appearance at One Lenox nightclub Saturday night in Manhattan....

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