Jasmine Porn Videos - Page 8

Female-Fronted Jane Doe Pictures Launches from Devils Film

Devils Film and Giant Media have rolled out their newest studio imprint, Jane Doe Pictures, focusing on G/G content from female performer-directors. ...

Learning to Appreciate How Far You’ve Come

People are always talking about how we should “live in the now” and “be present.” Sometimes, we may shame ourselves for dwelling on the past or dreaming of the future....

Ohio Latest State Victimized by 'Porn Is a Public Health Hazard' Hoax

Ohio is among the latest states to jump on the porn-as-public-health-hazard bandwagon, which has seen boilerplate legislation drafted by antiporn zealots shopped to gullible backers, state-by-state....

Kenzie Taylor Shows Off 'Plaid Skirts and Panties' for Wicked

Kenzie Taylor is a tempting vision on the cover of “He Loves Me in Plaid Skirts and Panties” for Wicked Pictures and director Mike Quasar....

Autoblow Inventor Challenges CES Sex Toy Policy in Open Letter

In an open letter to CES, Autoblow inventor Brian Sloan says that the company was discriminated against, shamed and prohibited to showcase its Autoblow A.I. at the tech expo....

ESPLER Holds Press Conference, Rally at Democratic Convention

Erotic Service Provider Legal Education and Research Project (ESPLER) has announced that it will be holding a press conference in conjunction with its planned rally outside of tomorrow's Democratic Convention to advocate for sex workers’...

Rocco Siffredi Debuts 'Sex Witches' Series on Adult Time

Rocco Siffredi has debuted a brand-new erotic fantasy adventure series on Adult Time....

Jas is's 'Creator of the Month' for July

Clips and cam artist Jas is’s “Creator of the Month” for July....

Lisa Ann to Make VR Debut in Thanksgiving Romp for WetVR

Newly launched virtual reality studio WetVR will mark its first Black Friday promotion with a Thanksgiving-themed erotic romp featuring the VR debut of Lisa Ann....

Former Gay Adult Actor Talks Business With

Gavin Hay recently spoke to about lessons that businesses can learn from the adult entertainment industry. Hays is an entrepreneur, the founder and CEO of a post-production house in London — and a former gay porn star....

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