Massaged Porn Videos - Page 4

Attorney Maxine Lynn to Discuss 'Erobotics' at the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality

Attorney Maxine Lynn will be a panelist this afternoon at the annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, the oldest professional society dedicated to the advancement of knowledge about sexuality....

2019 Fetish Awards Unveil Full Slate of Nominees

The 2019 Fetish Awards has unveiled a full slate of nominees honoring the best and brightest in the fetish and alternative communities....

WIA Profile: Jenn Brice

Each month, industry news media organization XBIZ spotlights the career accomplishments and outstanding contributions of Women in Adult. WIA profiles offer an intimate look at the professional lives of the industry's most influential female...

Class is in Session for 'Sex School' on has thrown open the doors on its Sex School Hub channel, which recently drew mainstream buzz with a Tedx Stuttgart talk delivered by performer and host Lina Bembe....

Larkin Love Nabs June Cover of XBIZ Clip World

Larkin Love has been featured on the cover of XBIZ Clip World's June issue....

New Naughtiness For Your Your Collection

Paying for your porn is the right thing to do, everyone knows that. It stimulates the economy while providing stimulation for you! When you pay for it, you allow the studios to keep pushing themselves ever harder to produce m...

FetishArtist Jay E. Moyes to Present Works at Gallery 30 South, Wicked Grounds

Jay E. Moyes of will be on tour this weekend, making a first stop on Friday at Gallery 30 South in Pasadena for the opening of “The Original Coaster Show," followed by an appearance at Wicked Grounds Cafe in San Francisco...

Starlets Lilly Bell, Megan Hughes Enjoy 'Net Skirts 21.0' for Girlfriends Films

Lilly Bell and Megan Hughes make their Girlfriends Films debut in “Net Skirts 21.0,” which streets today....

Talent Testing Service Adds 'Sign and Scan' Sample Tracking

Talent Testing Service (TTS) has implemented a “sign and scan” feature for all talent that visit its Associated Draw Facilities (ADF) across the U.S., Puerto Rico and Canada....

'It's the Bomb' Pulls 4 Noms From 2020 XBIZ Awards

It's The Bomb Bath, Body & Bachelorette Products pulled in four XBIZ 2020 Award nominations last week....

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