Teen Lesbian Porn Videos - Page 25

XCritic Newswire

Do you read the XCritic Newswire? It's an unending source of updates that contains the latest breaking news and announcements in the adult industry. It's a quick way to catch up on the things that interest you while avoiding th...

ASACP Names Fleshlight, Cherry Pimps, 7 Veils Media as October's Featured Sponsors

The Association of Sites Advocating Child Protection (ASACP) has named Fleshlight, Cherry Pimps and 7 Veils Media as its Featured Sponsors for October 2019....

Le Stelle Rolling Out 'Opus,' 1st Personal Bullet Vibe

Le Stelle is expanding its range of pleasure products with Opus, the company’s first foray into personal bullet vibes....

7 Veils: Twitter's New 'Interests' Hashtag-to-Feed Feature a Potential Boon to Adult

Twitter has been the social network that could. It has had its time in the sun where it is the top of the social networks for adult content, and then it will lag behind some new shiny network, then it will come back around. Everyone is alw...

Wicked Sensual Care Receives StorErotica Nomination

Wicked Sensual Care, winner of the 2019 "O" Award for Best Lubricant, has been nominated for Lubricant Company of the Year at the 13th annual StorErotica Awards Show....

Kheper Unveils 'Melting Rose Petals' Bath Confetti

Kheper, Inc. has launched its new bath and body concept, Melting Rose Petals....

Newcomer Dani Lynn Has 3 New Releases This Week, Including Hussie Pass Cover

Dani Lynn is on the cover of Hussie Pass's latest DVD release, "Too Small to Take It All 2."...

Sexercise4life Showcases Revel Sexual Tea at Sex Expo NY

Sexercise4life will showcase its Revel Sexual Tea at Sex Expo New York 2019....

Night Moves Winners

The 27th Annual NightMoves Awards ( weekend concluded Sunday evening, October 13th, and they were a huge success! The festivities started on Thursday, October 10th, with the “Caravan of St...

Sweetheart Video Rolls Out Erotic Sports Drama 'Girls of Wrestling'

Mile High Media's Sweetheart Video has released its all-girl erotic drama, “Girls of Wrestling,” available now on DVD....

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